Saturday, November 1, 2008


For our family Halloween party we decided to dress up as a theme around Cannon's Pea Pod costume, so I decided to be a carrot and Kevin was a farmer with jacked up teeth.

I put 2 bottles of Elmers glue and a half a bottle of gel in my hair. (Thanks Kim for giving me the idea from your troll costume last year, and for coming over and helping me perfect my hair:)
The Pea Pod and his Nerdy friend (AKA Grandpa)

The Kids

The Adults

Pictures of My Little Pea Pod

We had a million leaves in our front yard. I thought it would be cute to take a picture of Cannon in the huge pile. He was okay with it at first...

But then I think he felt like he was being swallowed up by the leaves!

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Bake Party of 6 said...

I love it! You guys are awesome, wish we lived closer so we could get together. Maybe that would be dangerous with Keven & Darren. Those two together = trouble. I love the green hair! Glad to see you had a fantastic Halloween. Miss you guys.

The Despain Gang said...

Cute costumes. Love the teeth and awesome hair. How did you pull that off; it's amazing. Love it.

Kari said...

You guys look great! What a great shot of Cannon in the leaves. You are so brave to put green on your face...with my luck it wouldn't come off! See ya!

Tami said...

I love the Halloween Costumes. You didn't mention how many bottles of shampoo it took to get the glue out. You are so awesome. I also love the shot of Cannon in the leaves. Priceless!

Maria said...

We can see that you, Emily, are a perfect fit for Kevin. You are hilarious. Hope you don't mind we spied on your blog. We love to see what's going on in your lives. We just started one. You can check it out at: